Aligning with the Soul’s Joy
Ready to raise your vibes? Enlighten up? Find the Divine in ordinary days?
I used to think that transformation and spirituality took strict discipline and radical commitment. What I’ve found is that routine days are full of divine ways to nourish the soul. To feel wonder and joy over . . . a simple green smoothie, a gentle walk, a squirrel ravaging the bird feeder.
Are you a busy mystic? A personal growth enthusiast? Do you get things done for family, friends and work, but not for yourself? Would you like to weave simple and satisfying practices into your every day? Would you like to enjoy more mindfulness, even as you run errands?
Please join me for my brand new 8 week group coaching course: ☀️Aligning with the Soul's Joy: (Audio only, international conference calls, by phone or computer)
Divine Practices to:
Release Limiting Belief Systems (BS)
Build Soul Blissipline
Raise Your Vibes
Energize Joy
Tuesdays Oct 15th - Dec 3rd, 2019 7pm - 8:30 EST You'll get weekly injections of energy, enthusiasm & inspiration!
Every 90 minute class will include:
Tools, tips, strategies and inspiring stories to help release the BS that blocks our inner fire, freedom and FUN. We'll relax the body, shift the mind, connect to the soul and Raise Our Vibes!
Bring your baggage! You'll get one-to-one coaching with me on your challenges, questions & concerns. Each week 3 - 4 volunteers will have approx. 10 minutes of personalized attention on a challenge or BS block (these are universal, at their root, so this will benefit us all.) ?
A guided meditation, visualization and/or exercise on the weekly theme, plus affirmations, angel assistance & special prayers (scroll down for class schedule!)
✨Practice makes progress, so let’s practice, together!✨
Come for a beautiful buffet of spiritual nourishment, mindset coaching, and conversation to remember & reignite your radiance. What brings you joy? Where do you want to rewrite your story? What areas of your life need more mindful support?We’ll sample a variety of soothing blissiplines to remind the brain of its rightful place as a tool, not a tyrant, so the heart can more consistently align with our unique soul's language.
✨ What BS gets in your way?✨
We already know our beliefs can determine whether we experience stress or happiness.We already know that practices like visualization, meditation and affirmations are fabulous ways to connect to our soul's courage, clarity and creativity. We just need REMINDERS.
✨ That’s why we call it a spiritual *practice.*✨
Let's make it FUNomenal! Since 2013, I've been leading an in-person weekend workshop called, "Aligning with the Soul's Joy" and the enthusiastic feedback from attendees (and the joy it brought me, as well,) was the inspiration for this tele-course. You can thoroughly enjoy the energy, invigoration and spirited fun from the comfort of home ? (your car, she-shed, man cave or mountain top.)
✨ Accountability will keep us on track and save our divine derriere. Our Oneness rawks.✨
Reinforcement from our tribe validates our humanness. It normalizes our nuttiness. It's especially vital for empaths, highly sensitive people, and creative souls - we learned to shut down our feelings and intuition in order to cope with a messy world. As we practice opening our hearts, in community, we learn it IS safe to share. We can be ourselves and forgive ourselves. We can follow through. We can trust our path and our inner guidance.
Come for the relaxation, energy and joy?
Shift the procrastination, perfectionism, worry, anger, fear, distraction and overwhelm...
Habits, positive or negative, give us a sense of safety & security. Change can easily trigger memories of past disappointment, hurt, and failure. In order to protect ourselves from that crap happening, again, we may end up subconsciously sabotaging our progress. It just seems easier to sit in front of Netflix and cuddle up with cookies.
“Self-sabotage is misguided self-love.” ~Brad Yates
In these intense times, our minds are habituated to the fight, flight, freeze (or f***ed) reaction. Retreating to our comfort zone feels like a safer bet. It's a well-practiced place. But. It also means we stay stuck. And that sucks.
If you could use more vitality, inspiration and accountability, this class will help you break out of the unsatisfying status quo. We'll expand our energy fields to embody more of our soul. More joy. We'll dive deep while enlightening up.
How does it feel when a healthy habit actually takes HOLD?
Oh, the JOY. The RELIEF.
How does it feel when we align with the divine in the every day details?
Deepening self-love and soul satisfaction.
We'll start each class with a 5 - 10 meditation to connect to the light. Pausing, taking deep breaths and focusing on filling the heart, will quickly soothe the amygdala (the slightly hysterical part of the brain that cries “Danger! Too much email!") These consistent soul-alignment practices interrupt the old BS wiring, calm the monkey mind and begin to change our negative neural ruts. They draw our attention into the present WHOAment, where we are actually safe.
Class schedule ~
Week 1. Tuesday 10/15 ~ Grounding Divine Goodness in These Intense Times
*Why is life so challenging? Tools for dropping the brain's BS and honoring the intuitive heart
*Bring Your Baggage - what's weighing you down? Get laser coaching with me on personal issues (3 - 4 volunteers, 10 min each.)
*Adversity as a springboard to spirit - Turning personal pain into purpose
*Grounding meditation by Kyle Gray (& the Archangels)
Week 2. Tuesday 10/22 ~ Angels for Overwhelm, Self-sabotage & Shiny Objects
*Expanding our energy fields to release resistance, reactivity, distraction and overwhelm
*Bring Your Baggage - laser coaching with me on personal issues (3 - 4 volunteers, 10 min each.)
*The blissipline of slowing down when we “don’t have time”
*Chakra Alignment with the Angels ~ meditation by Diana Cooper
Week 3. Tuesday 10/29~ Conscious Creativity and Raising Our Vibes Naturally
*Procrastination, perfectionism & pressure from inner and outer critics
*Bring Your Baggage - laser coaching with me on personal issues (3 - 4 volunteers, 10 min each.)
*Healing the heart with creativity, color and Mother Nature
*Tibetan “lovingkindness” meditation
Week 4. Tues 11/5 ~ Rockin’ Relationships & Recognizing Projections in the Mirror
*Letting go of anger, defense, codependence & judgment
*Using “The Work” by Byron Katie
*Bring Your Baggage - laser coaching with me on personal issues (3 - 4 volunteers, 10 min each.)
*Ho’oponopono - Hawaiian forgiveness prayer for releasing guilt and attachment
Week 5. Tues 11/12 ~ Body Image BS, Self-forgiveness and Radiant Living
*The body’s loving messages - releasing shame, self-punishment and comparison-itis
*Dr. Masaru Emoto - blessing our food, water and the power of Grace
*Bring Your Baggage - laser coaching with me on personal issues (3 - 4 volunteers, 10 min each.)
*Asking for divine help - Lorna Byrne's “Prayer of Thy Healing Angels”
Week 6. Tues 11/19 ~ Lack, Fear and the Blissipline of Abundance
*Flow and faith - bringing our rich inner world into the outer world
*Bring Your Baggage - laser coaching with me on personal issues (3 - 4 volunteers, 10 min each.)
*Prosperity visualization from Abraham-Hicks
*Moving from Motivation (fear & force) to Inspiration (joy & vision)
Week 7. Tues 11/26 ~ We're All Connected.More of what’s working ?
*We'll continue a popular theme from our previous 6 weeks (by group consensus.)
*Bring Your Baggage - laser coaching with me on personal issues (3 - 4 volunteers, 10 min each.)
*Simple Ancient Egyptian Ritual by Kala Ambrose
*Visualization with Mystic Mandy Peterson's “My Prayer to Love”
Week 8. Tues 12/3 ~ The Power of Gratitude, Love Bombs and Co-creation
*Staying the Course - Moving forward with every day Blissipline
*Bring Your Baggage - laser coaching with me on personal issues (3 - 4 volunteers, 10 min each.)
*Filling up and spilling over - Martha Beck gratitude exercise
*Extending Grace to the World - “The Prayer of Light, Love and Peace”
Possible side-effects of Daily Soul Alignment may include (but are not limited to…)
Walking, Stretching, Singing, Dancing, Doodling, Skinny-dipping
Earthing, Tree Hugging, Deep Breeeathing and Deep Sleeeping
Self-Care, Self-Acceptance and Googling Your Grooviness
Conscious Creativity, Co-Creation, Laughter and FUN
Listening to Faith not Fear, Intuition not Indecision
Simple, Powerful Blissipline and Hell-Yes-Habits
Spiritual Practices, Presence and Peacing Out.
Mental Chatter, Self-Paddling, Perfectionism & Procrastination
Nail-biting, Finger-pointing and Candy grabbing
Overwhelm, Over-scheduling and OMG Drama
Going-It-Alone, Inertia and Icky Isolation
BS Blocks and Lack Thinking
Hurry, Worry and Fury
Here’s a quick video about my coaching work: (produced by the amazing peeps at Barcroft TV!)
“If you want to move forward in a gigantic way to being the creative, joyful soul you are – Julie is the perfect prescription!! She’s an amazing, inspiring, radiant, awesome, soulful coach and cheerleader with an incredible bag of jewels to help you uncover your treasure. I’ve taken many coaching programs, and this is worth far more than Julie charges – each session is worth the cost of the entire course or more. Thanks Julie, I am eternally grateful for the shifts that occurred working with you!!!” ~Norma Reid, Life Coach (BC, Canada)
Want to read more testimonials from happy clients?
Rumba right over here.
Questions? Please email me here and I'll respond asap
Julie Bond Genovese is an inspirational speaker, workshop leader, Enlighten-Up Coach, artist, unschooling mom and best-selling author of her award-winning memoir, Nothing Short of Joy, endorsed by Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel and Alan Cohen. Julie has been featured on numerous TV & radio shows including Anderson Cooper Live, NBC LX & radio with Gayle King.
“Nothing Short of Joy is a masterpiece that will take you out of your comfort zone and into a magical world of joy. I love this book. I love this woman. Read it and reap.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
BIO ~ Being born a dwarf, with degenerative arthritis, was not the curse Julie originally believed – it became the cure. After desperate years of humiliation & shame, medical studies & operations (including two brain surgeries,) Julie realized that the biggest thing standing in her way was her own Belief System (BS.) Happiness, it turned out, wasn’t dependent on her circumstances but on her response. As she began to view her challenges as sacred choices made by the soul, everything shifted. Julie mentors spirit-led creatives on how to use BS awareness to transform life’s grief and energize ginormous joy.
Julie earned her BA in Fine Art, with honors, from Hamilton College (Clinton, NY.) She also spent a semester at the Lacoste School of Art in Lacoste, France and at Rhode Island School of Design. Julie coaches, writes and paints from her NJ home where she lives with her husband, two teen sons, Merlin (a yellow labradog) and Halo (a very cool cat.)
“Julie Genovese’s story is eloquent and moving proof that our spirits are always intact and always whole — regardless of how things appear physically. Hers is a fascinating and thoroughly readable story of courage and triumph!” ~ Dr. Christiane Northrup
Questions? Comments? Send me an email and let's chat!