CPR for the Creative Soul
Is your spirit jonesing for some
C.reative P.assion R.esuscitation?
Are you creating a life with your heart & soul on fire?
Or does your inner BS (Belief System) hold you back?
Our hurry-up world, and daily demands, can often feel like creative kryptonite.
There may be little energy or enthusiasm left for our soul’s passions.
Wouldn’t it be glorious…
To release the BS that blocks your truth & whole-hearted expression
To breathe new life into your creative core and deepen your spiritual vision
To clear the creative cobwebs, find your voice and recover your creative courage
Conscious creativity isn’t just crayons, choreography or innate “talent.”
The true masterpiece of your life is to express & rally the real YOU
From an early age, when my dwarfism left me feeling rejected & ruined, creativity was often the rock star healer, therapist and peaceful bridge back to myself. Trying to share my work, however, left me brawling with a choir of inner critics: the perfectionist, victim, blamer, procrastinator, people pleaser (you get the picture…). These creativity crushers regularly shoveled a lot of horse sh** hoping to keep me small, hidden and ‘safe’ from the big bad world. The little darlings still try.
In 1997 the degenerative arthritis in my right shoulder (which came with my dwarfism) became so severe that I had to give up my freelance art biz. After a year of depression & a painful pity-party, my dad suggested I try computer graphics using my left hand. Before I could even look at the software, an epic creative recovery began . . .
Out of it came my award winning memoir, Nothing Short of Joy.
Just when our fears insist, “all is lost,” our spiritual creativity can save the day, open the heart & soul and let us feel like an honored guest in our own life.
Spiritual Creativity is a channel to our original wonder, aliveness & purpose.
Our creative soul is ridonkulously powerful.
If you’ve soaked up the self-help books, you’re stoked by the spiritual principles, and you want some help busting through the old BS and igniting your spirit …
How about my online Course (drumroll please…)
If you’d like to talk with me about your specific situation, I offer a free 1 hour call to see if this program, or one-on-one coaching will inspire your spirit. This is not a sales pitch – it’s to find out where you’re at, where you wanna go & if I can help you get there. Email me at choosejoy@optonline.net
~Together we can magnify your creative magic~
I salute you, you lovable earthy-crunchy-creative, wise waker-upper, courageous change-maker & victorious visionary. I know your super-spirit is ready to bust a move and blow your own damn mind & heart wide open. Come soak in the encouragement & stay committed to your creative soul – it’s so eternally proud of you.
“Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
~Howard Thurman
Add CPR for the Creative Soul to your cart, and let’s get this party started =)
MP3 #1 — What Incarnation Was I Thinking? The Creative Re-storying of our BS
MP3 #2 — Being Human is a Handicap with a Heavenly Plot Twist – Releasing the Past
MP3 #3 — Creative Courage & Going Soul to Soul – Healing Relationships
MP3 #4 — Using the Creative Mirror – The Epic Journey to Recover Our True Self
MP3 #5 — The Universe is Listening – How to Usher in Our Creative Dreams
MP3 #6 — Offering Love Bombs – The Power of Mindfulness, Prayer & Self Care
The CPR package can help you:
bust through BS blocks & jump start your spirit-led heart
use struggles as spiritual springboards & creative curriculum
clear creative cobwebs & Google your greatness
embrace the inner critics and turn their talk into material
calm the control freak – get out of your head and into your heart
unleash your natural creative juju & recharge your exuberant spirit
ignite that playful spirit that got left behind after you…
started that job
got married
had kids
or ___________ (fill in the blankity blank.)
What passion heals your tired heart?
Creativity is the soul awakening, laughing, dancing, becoming.
It’s a celebration of every crazy road we’ve wrangled.
The things we’ve lost. And the spirit we’ve won.
Our life and our challenges have made us more real, more wise.
Our heartaches and handicaps are unrecognized wholeness –
there is a beauty that can emerge from brokenness.
CPR for the Creative Soul audio e-course of 6 MP3’s is yours for $45
(each MP3 is 1 hour – 6 hours total)
More About Moi:
Julie Bond Genovese is an inspirational speaker, coach, artist, mom and best-selling author of her award-winning memoir, Nothing Short of Joy, endorsed by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel and Alan Cohen. Julie has been featured on TV & radio including Anderson Cooper Live, NBC LX, FOX news, Strategy Room, The Aware Show & Oprah radio with Gayle King. Being born a dwarf, with degenerative arthritis, was not the curse Julie originally believed – it turned into magic. After desperate years of humiliation & shame, medical studies & operations (including two brain surgeries,) Julie realized that joy wasn’t dependent on circumstances but on her response to them. As she began to view her challenges as sacred choices made by her soul, everything shifted. The handicap of being human came with a heavenly purpose – the growth & glory of remembering the Love we were born to forget. Julie partners with spiritual seekers, earthy-crunchy-creatives and wise waker-uppers to transform life’s grief, let the creative spirit lead, and woo our hearts back toward the Light.
Julie’s Huffington Post Blog | Watercolor magnets and bookmarks | Art on the inspirational Fly clothing line | Watercolor cards at RedBubble
"In these muddled days of so much technology and overwhelming responsibilities, Julie will inspire you to snap out of your head and back into your spiritual heart. You can hide from yourself, but you can't hide from her ~ with love and humor she will reintroduce you, straight on, to your own soul. Julie is a wise sounding board who has helped me sift through the muck and highlight my creative calling. Working with her has brought out my courage, creativity and faith. If you want more inner peace, freedom from your fears and connection to the light within you, Julie's your gal!" ~Judy Prescott, actor, advocate & author of Searching for Cecy: Reflections on Alzheimers
Elizabeth Jackson
“The moment I saw Julie’s name on Facebook: “Nothing Short of Joy”, I had one of those “OMG-I-need-to-find-out-more-about-you” moments. I sifted through her uplifting posts, checked out her web site (HAVE YOU SEEN THE BIG NAMES WHO ENDORSE HER????) and downloaded her book as quick as my little fingers could type. I think Julie is The Number 1 Joy Coach in the entire world, although she says that different people need different things. I beg to disagree. She IS the best! I recommend Julie as a coach to anyone, because firstly your life will be better from simply knowing her, and, secondly, she’s been there, done that, got the badge, and is now here to help YOU with her compassion, wisdom, sage advice, not forgetting her rainbows of bright colors and showers of creativity!” ~Elizabeth Jackson, The Projects Angel
“If you want to move forward in a gigantic way to being the creative, joyful soul you are – CPR is the perfect prescription!! Julie is an amazing, inspiring, radiant, awesome, soulful coach and cheerleader with an incredible bag of jewels to help you uncover your treasure. I’ve taken many coaching programs, and this is worth far more than Julie charges – each session is worth the cost of the entire course or more. Thanks Julie, I am eternally grateful for the shifts that occurred working with you!!!” ~Norma Reid, (BC, Canada)
“When Julie Genovese was a speaker at an International Women’s Writing Guild conference at Brown University, she shared openly and honestly about her challenging experiences in writing memoir. I loved her authenticity. She did not sugar coat the creative experience; but she did stress it was the best therapy ever. Julie inspired me to begin writing my own memoir. I later participated in a workshop, co-facilitated by Julie. I felt safe with her – she knew how to listen and knew when to offer insights. She was clearly doing her own inner work and wished to support others on their journey. I would highly recommend Julie as a facilitator and coach.” ~Joan Haywood Heleine, forthcoming author, The Soul Keeper, a Mother’s Journey of Joy, Loss and Love that Lives On
Kathy Kane
“I will shout from the rooftops how wonderful it is to work with Julie. Her enthusiasm and wisdom are fabulous catalysts for resuscitation. I have been writing with Julie for years and it is always a deep, inspiring and joyful experience. She is able to listen totally, tell me what I don’t hear myself saying and, in doing so, light up the path before me. If your intention is to ignite, recharge and release your creative spirit I cannot think of a better partner for the journey.” ~Kathy Kane, Kaizen Muse Creativity Coach, writer www.kanecreativeconsulting.com
“I am honored to offer my highest recommendation to Julie Genovese, the inspirational writer, coach and speaker we were lucky enough to host here at St. Francis College, in Brooklyn Heights, NY. Julie brought warmth, humor and kindness — along with more than a few tear-filled eyes — to the campus. Her spirit and enthusiasm touched everyone and sparked lively conversations about the role of memoir in the healing process, the importance of family and friends, the definition of “disability” and the potential sources of strength in ourselves. I encourage anyone with the opportunity to work with her to do so at once.” ~Timothy J. Houlihan, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs, Academic Dean, St. Francis College