We, the mystical messengers, earthy-crunchy-creatives, rainbow warriors, wounded healers & divine feminine waker-uppers (we go by a myriad of tie-dye names,) have been working, wishing and waiting on the world to change. We’re giving our hearts to help that happen. But zoikes, it can be so discouraging. 

The past few weeks have tested my faith and resolve. I’ve been praying for more and more businesses, institutions, politicians, leaders and governments to step up and be a force for good. For unity. For all. To help soothe this aching world. But I’ve been feeling deflated, disempowered, disenfranchised.

Sometimes it looks like we lack the resources, connections or clout to make a difference. To make a major contribution. To make sense of the senselessness. How do we “be the change we wish to see in the world”?

When we’re struggling or overwhelmed in our relationships, finances, careers, parenting, health, spiritual path or just remembering self-love-and-care, our festering fears can separate us. The answer to healing our collective soul-sickness is to heal our own wounds, first; then we have a brighter, clearer and enthusiastic vision to reach out and make broader changes.

In this divisive climate, we need each other more than ever. So. If you're looking for some super-soul support in aligning with your spirit's power, mission and vision...

I’m lowering my coaching rate to $20/hour for new clients(or past clients, in a bind.) The offer is open until my calendar is full, which may happen quickly. This is a 65% - 75% savings off my hourly rate.

Use the coupon codes below in your shopping cart:

To buy 4 sessions, go to Rawk On Coaching  and use code 4sessions 

To buy 8 sessions, go to Ginormous Joy Coaching and use code 8sessions

To buy 12 sessions, go to True You Masterpiece and use code 12sessions

To buy 16 sessions, go to Super Soul Power Coaching and use code 16sessions

To buy 20 sessions, go to Whole Art and Soul Coaching and use code 20sessions

This is one big way I can make a difference. Pay it forward. Help raise our collective vibration. Surrender. Be the change. Embrace community and collaboration.

<-- Here’s a screen shot of the enormous savings you’ll see in your shopping cart (pay with PayPal or a credit card at PayPal.)

This hourly price will only be available until slots are filled. Buy as many sessions as you’d like before the pricing ends. It will hold the low price AND your preferred day of the week and time slot.

The Divine Feminine is rising (in women and men, both.) She’s the loving energy that works in cooperation (instead of competition, cold business-as-usual, political insanity, corporate greed, arrogance, superiority, nationalism, racism, etc etc etc etc!!!)

Deep breath.

She’s the compassionate, creative, tender, nurturing, powerhouse Amazon within us. She’s the heart-centered healer. The protective mama bear. Our Great Gaia. Pachamama’s Holy Presence. She brings balance and courage. She holds hearts and quiets minds. She soothes the broken child within us. She births a new world.


She’s been silenced for eons. Belittled. Dismissed. Assaulted. Abused. Oppressed. She. Needs. Support. She’s been struggling to the surface, to be heard, to be honored. The out-dated patriarchy is grasping and gasping for control. The conflict, the backsliding, the pain and wild resistance is mind-boggling and heart-wrenching.

The crumbling current world order is s.c.a.r.y. I’ve been wringing my hands and heart trying to understand why people behave so deplorably.

Those groups who have lacked political, electoral, or economic clout for thousands of years, see it in almost every industry. It is heartbreaking. Rosa Parks refused to give her bus seat to a white man … and with her courage, she started an entire movement toward civil rights. Sadly, we have not manifested that Dream, on many fronts. Yet.

The truth is that the world is both troubled AND beautiful. But focusing on the F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real) is to pitch our precious energy into the negativity, as if it’s more powerful than the Light. It is not. Dark is a lack of Light. That’s all.

Spreading our love, faith and courage into the haunted corners will illuminate what was never really there. This is not to say that you and I have not suffered at the hands of others, or that it wasn’t very REAL to us. But the Truer Reality is that we survived. We will Thrive, no matter what hatred or bullies are in the backrooms, boardrooms and battlefields.

Our souls are unhurt-able.

Our most difficult task is not allowing the inner BS battlefield to overtake our alignment with our bigger purpose. Our Spirit. Peace. Hope. Family. Friends. The gorgeous earth that sustains us. The radiant, pulsing life all around us. We are not forsaken.

Please don’t hang your head (for too long…) or let despair win. We need you. Embolden your heart. Live in Inspiration. Be brave. Give into wonder and joy. It’s our soul’s natural state. It’s the place where our power leads us onward and upward. Higher. Happier. No matter what wolves are at our door.

How can you invest your values, talents and passions in a better life? Better relationships? Career? Creativity, health, parenting, self love, self-care? We all need support in uncovering the gifts that come as a result of any challenging times.

When I’m tempted to believe that the current strife means we are losing the *battle*, I remember that saving ourselves IS dissolving the bigger war. Cultivating inner peace is saving the world, one soul at a time, one courageously inspired act at a time.

This is where I do my best work - helping clients to process tough emotions, uncover and release limiting beliefs, overcome challenging circumstances, follow the spiritual breadcrumbs and practice daily mindfulness. 

We dive deep while lightening up☀️

Partnering with me will bring new direction, motivation, vitality, energy and enthusiasm. As you practice seeing life from a higher perspective, you'll more naturally connect with the beauty and power of the true you.

There’s no quick fix, but there is one power-packed ongoing practice ~ aligning with your rock-star soul and following its sacred call.

Where is it calling you? Let’s work together so you can enjoy the sacred mission you came to fulfill - to use your mighty Spirit to liberate yourself and your world. To empower your voice and your divine path. Don’t give up your seat on the bus. Your irreplaceable soul wants you to ignite your Light and keep on truckin’ toward your goals and dreams.

I am here to help!

In super-soul support and solidarity,
singing, dancing, painting
and howling at the moon
with you, 

P.S. Buy your sessions before they are filled ~

To buy 4 sessions, go to Rawk On Coaching  and use code 4sessions 

To buy 8 sessions, go to Ginormous Joy Coaching and use code 8sessions

To buy 12 sessions, go to True You Masterpiece and use code 12sessions

To buy 16 sessions, go to Super Soul Power Coaching and use code 16sessions

To buy 20 sessions, go to Whole Art and Soul Coaching and use code 20sessions

P.P.S. Grab a tissue and watch these inspiring videos! This young dance crew, The Lab, gives me hope! “Waiting on the World”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY_lf0No-gk

An epic dance/acrobatic group, Zucaroh, performing to "Baba Yetu”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5vSo2pFZKA

Another emotional dance by The Lab to "Cold Water”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlPjatViUFU


Leaving you with a beautiful poem from Jai-Jagdeesh

Day by day,
step by step,
we come into our power.
You are UNFATHOMABLY strong;
you know this, right?
There is absolutely NOTHING
you can’t do
your heart
your soul
and your mind
are working together.
A harmonic convergence,
a full embodiment;
a most BEAUTIFUL thing.
We get there
with age, with experience,
through inspiration...
and because of practices like these.
THANK YOU for your practice.
THANK YOU for showing up AS YOU.
More embodied every day,
every hour,
every minute.
I bow to your strength.
May you always use it
to change the world
for good.



Welcome 2019


Mother Nature's Armagarden☘️of Weeds