There was an Angel Dancing at the Park
Last Saturday, I was sitting at Heaven Park (my favorite pond where my heron friends feed,) feeling kinda angry and sorry-for-myself after an argument with my hubby. Sigh. I asked my divine dad & my angels to help me return to peace and stop blaming anything or anyone else for my unrest. And then I went on with my day – writing, reading, gazing, watching the gold finch, and snacking.
A few hours later, as I’m getting ready to leave, (feeling much more aligned after my time-out in Mother Nature’s nursery,) I look up and there’s this triumphant Angel, tiara and all, cheering me on from above. I laughed out loud! Or perhaps she’s toasting the world while dancing a cheeky cha-cha. Whatever she was doing in the clouds, it was the perfect tonic for old sour feelings.
As I took a slew of pictures, another angel image, with what looked like big open arms, came up underneath the first brassy gal… see him? Well, what matters most (for me) is my own looking glass. What matters most for you, is your personal spectacles – that’s what will seize the day and make it troubled or triumphant. We always have that choice.
Cloud Angel!
What uplifting lens will we choose to look through today…?
How do YOU shift a crummy mood? Take a walk? Write? Read? A snooze? Yoga? Music? Art? Facebook? A cruise? :)
Let me know in the comments…
I was recently interviewed, along with 30 others, for an inspiring online video interview series called,
Elite Life Mastery Secrets: Unleash Your Intuition, Reclaim Your Power & Take Charge of Your Life.
This series is to help folks stop feeling frustrated, get clear about what’s right for them & take inspired action to create a life that lights ’em up.
%22You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved
We are meant for more than an everyday routine don’t you think? Our dreams are not going to materialize by fitting ourselves into a pre-designed package that society expects.
Imagine being able to:
Deeply access our powerful intuitive guidance.
Achieve our goals with confidence.
Live a life of deep meaning & profound joy. Yay.
Discover practical tips and tricks, new ways of thinking, simple practices, and powerfully inspiring stories to jumpstart the journey to becoming all we’re meant to be.
Sign Up For This Free Event here :)
Wishing you…
a new creative lens, and the
the willingness to keep looking up,
the courage to keep looking within,
the inspiration to keep looking forward
& heavenly angels to dance you toward your dreams…
xoxo Julie
Creative Soul Coaching packages