Waking Up from Powerlessness & Polarity
Our dark human dramas are being expressed boldly and aggressively in the media and our government. We’re taught that there’s an enemy. Lock and load. Fear is a powerful governor that turns into defense, division, hate.
But we can’t soften the haters by hating them. That’s our self-hatred in hiding. It closes our mind to the hurting parts of ourselves. And them. Those rapscallions are spiritual teachers in disguise - mirrors of our inner mad-ness.
Where do we blame them, when the seeds of doubt are actually rooted within us.
Uncomfortable emotions are touchy-feely soul signals that whatever we're believing is not in alignment with our spirit. Seeing our BS and dropping our judgment, plugs us back into our inner magician-in-training. We just have to watch where we’re pointing our wands.
In the midst of personal problems, or political polarity, we need extra doses of gentleness. When we send love to those who are the most difficult to love, whether they’re in our home or in the White House, the Love will bless them and boomerang back to us. We’re all One wild family trying (desperately) to remember Love and to live in Peace.
As you re-connect to your heart today (in whatever way you do it - meditation, nature, art, prayer, writing, spring cleaning etc…) drop your old sword and pick up your magic wand. Beam love to the most restless places inside you, and bless the BS. Forgive your humanness. It makes it far easier to forgive them.
Send your light across the globe. Bless the earth. Bless the governments of the world. Bless the children. The animals. The waters. The plants. The mountains. Bless it all. Bless our human drama as we grow and learn how to wield our powerful wands of light.
wishing you an eternal Springtime,
trumpeting daffodils,
and lotsa love,