When our hearts are breaking, for a million different reasons...
In these wild times, how do we stay peaceful. . . and faith-filled?
There are many scary things and loud people out there grabbing for our attention, and many inner fears and beliefs derailing our positive in-tentions. It’s easy to be left feeling fractured, frizzled and frantic.
If we let our mind spin in it’s worry-state, though, we’re trusting only our small scared self to figure it all out. Alone. No wonder it’s overwhelming! We’re stuck circling our issues, in a very limited space.
“Worry is prayer that we pray to ourselves instead of to God.” ~Chris Smith
Do we more often dabble in doubt or the divine?✨
There’s an area of our brain called the reticular activating system - RAS. It’s job is to edit out endless daily data that bombards us. The RAS allows into our conscious mind what we're interested in, what we believe in etc. It edits out what doesn’t confirm our belief systems (BS,) or contradicts the labels and identities we may have carried since childhood. Our “stories” may be so dang convincing to us that we think of them as reality.
Ever bought a car you’d rarely seen, in a color you thought was different? Then you get out on the road and that exact car is everywhere. The car had always been around, but your RAS never picked up on it until you put it on your radar.
This isn’t woo-woo-ery. It's science.
If we stay focused on the problem, on what’s “wrong,” the RAS is blind to the good stuff.
What we believe about our life is what we keep seeing, and then we keep believing, and thus, we keep recreating. “Reality” is the outer representation of our inner beliefs.
Our RAS isn’t programed for right or wrong, it’s wired according to our focus. It’s a tool - a neutral search engine - scanning for evidence of our expectations. So if I reaffirm, “I didn’t do enough today,” “I’m overwhelmed,” “The world is broken,” “money corrupts,” etc… I’ll see the “proof.” Our RAS acts like a prayer to the universe and keeps regurgitating evidence of our beliefs. They have been “real” for us, but that doesn't mean they have to stay that way.
As soon as I shift my attention to the 'simple' things that are going smoothly, I’ll notice more of those. It helps me stay connected, grateful, hopeful, productive. And in that place, my heart and soul have more influence and power in my life, and beyond.
Sometimes we stick to being “right” about the things that actually feel “wrong” - like “I'm too old," "Murphy’s Law,” “the cup is half empty,” “I don’t have enough _______.” Being 'right' about negative beliefs is a familiar prison. The suffering is what we’ve known, and staying in it might seem safer than change. Humans want to feel loved, accepted and 'right' in the eyes of our herd. Being “wrong” means feeling bad, unacceptable and rejected by the herd.
I saw this angel cloud on Wayne Dyer's birthday. A self-portrait, no doubt
Step away from the dysfunctional pasture.
If we point a helpless finger outward at the cow pies, political parties, president, culture, corporations, violence, losses, health, gender, appearances, past, parents, or partner, for letting us down, we’ll endlessly spin outside ourselves. Our mind will feel crazed and ungrounded because our leverage doesn’t exist out there.
But going within, to harness our light, might also means facing our shadowy stuff, and that can be a scary deterrent.
Inside is where our vulnerability and fears are waiting to be witnessed - they’re our little lost kids - they’re hurting, wounded, raging, distrusting, defiant, powerless and pitching a hissy fit. They haven’t felt heard. Life knocked the wind out of their sails, and laughed in their face. Getting their hopes up means they could be dashed, again. Disappointment is terrifying. They’ll stop us from trying again, for our own protection.
So when we give our RAS more hope-filled focus, like imagining a peaceful world, a united government, a happier career, better health, relationships, finances, or a new adventure, guess what happens?
Old beliefs surface, dragging their miserable movie reels from our past.
Emotions boil up. It can be embarrassing to our "adult" self. But just let the little kid FEEL, and let the resistance and grief surface. It diffuses the voltage. It gives us a chance to feel compassion for our younger selves, and to question the manure we keep stepping in.
Notice the old lies. Wipe the overdue tears. And smile. It’s been a long poopy path.
It takes courage to FEEL - it also births more courage.
Take a deep and satisfying breath in, right now. Ground yourself and allow Source, God and the angels, to flood your senses. Fill the emptiness. Empty the worry. Let Mother Nature envelope and breathe with you. Let your soul light pour in. Expand your rays, like the mini-sun that you are.
When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I’m giving my attention to what’s “wrong” and judging it, them or me. As I remember to shift my focus inward, breathe my energy back home to my heart and body, I can relax (or cry, if needed.) Then I have room to hold the larger light of Spirit.
If we broaden our awareness each day, by imagining the radiant bubble of light within and around us, expanding - we create a bigger playground. In that vastness, our heart opens. Or maybe our heart opens us to the vastness. Either way, our worries become smaller, after a few deep breaths, and one envisioning, several times a day.
We can invite in the Divine, even while we're driving, walking in a parking lot, or waiting in line. Our attention, imagination, feelings and thoughts direct the Light energy that we are (which inspires our actions.) Our daily focus is a priceless power tool - the more we practice, the deeper the habit grows.
Tell new good-feeling stories about your life. Turn the past crap into fertilizer for the future. Let the fresh air of truth blow in.
Point your prayers in uplifting directions.
Go for that walk, admire the sky, relax in the sun, cuddle with a pet, climb that mountain, do something new, read a good book, love your body, send healing to the globe, doodle, celebrate the signs, meditate, make a smoothie, do some spring cleaning, sit in the boundlessness. Marvel at it all.
The simple stuff … saves us.
May our hearts be broken open, in appreciation, for all that’s been given.
Keep looking in, with awareness, keep looking out, in awe, and life will keep looking up.
with lotsa love,
and ginormous joy,
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We have been friends together ~